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“Imagination! Creation! Expression!”™

Writer's picture: Gabriel CorchadoGabriel Corchado

This year 2024 I’ve decided to change the Meaningful Lines Art brand tagline from the previous “We are all Artists Weaving the Web of our Lives” which I’ve used for the past 5 years since 2019. The new and current brand tagline is now “Imagination! Creation! Expression!”™

Meaningful Lines Art® “Imagination! Creation! Expression!”™

“Imagination! Creation! Expression!”™

The previous company slogan still has relevance for my art brand. But I feel the new tagline is a better fit and reflection for the message that I desire to convey about art and what it means to be an artist. It’s also shorter, simpler, easier to remember, more impactful and thus more memorable. I feel it’ll leave a stronger and lasting impression in the hearts and minds of all who come across it.

An artist is a creator and making art is a three-step process. The 1st step in the creative process is “imagination.” An artist first imagines, which is the faculty of using thoughts to form images, ideas and concepts of external objects not yet present to the senses. The Law of Attraction teaches us that thoughts creates things. Everything that was ever created was first imagined and began as a thought in someone’s mind.

"Everything that is real was imagined first." -The Velveteen Rabbit

“Everything that is real was imagined first.” -The Velveteen Rabbit

The 2nd step in the creative process is “creation.” At this stage, an artist takes the art in it’s abstract form and brings it into material existence in physical form. It’s the act of taking the intangible and making it tangible in the form of a sketch, drawing, painting, sculpture, music, film, literature, etc. In the animal kingdom, this is comparable to when the spider, a highly creative creature weaves it’s creative web. Likewise, we weave our creative tapestry from our imaginal abstractions.

“Art is the bringing into material existence that which exists only in pure potentiality. And the artist is the agent of that change. The Gods can't create the Golden Gate Bridge. It's got to be you and me that screw the things together or whatever is it that you do to build a bridge. That's art.” -Steven Pressfield

The 3rd step in the creative process is “expression.” This is the stage where an artist takes the artwork he or she has created and shares it with the world through one or various outlets, whether that’s visual artists displaying their paintings on their own website, social media platforms, art galleries, art fairs, coffee shops, etc. Writers publishing their books, posting their content on a blog or promoting their work in book fairs and bookstores, etc. Musicians performing at clubs, gigs, music festivals and connecting with producers, etc. What would be the point of creating art if no one could see, hear, read and appreciate it?

“My greatest joy I think is losing myself in an artistic endeavor and bringing this as a gift to other people, even if they don't appreciate it or don't even know what it is. But being able to offer something through me.” -Steven Pressfield

One of my favorite writers that I enjoy listening to is Steven Pressfield. He’s the author of a number of popular books which include The Artist’s Journey, The War of Art, Turning Pro, Do The Work, Put Your Ass Where Your Heart Wants To Be, and Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*t. His books have influenced and inspired many artists and other creatives to discover, pursue and fulfill their creative calling.

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

Steven Pressfield

Here’s something Steven Pressfield said that really resonates with me…

"Are you a born writer? Were you put on earth to be a painter, a scientist, an apostle of peace? If you were meant to write a symphony and you don't do it, you not only hurt yourself, even destroy yourself. You hurt your children. You hurt me. You hurt the planet. You shame the angels who watch over you and you spite the Almighty, who created you and only you with your unique gifts, for the sole purpose of nudging the human race one millimeter farther along its path back to God. Creative work is not a selfish act or a bid for attention on the part of the actor. It's a gift to the world and every being in it. Don't cheat us of your contribution. Give us what you've got."

This is the purpose and the work of an artist, is to use their gift of “imagination” in order to bring into “creation” something wonderfully and meaningfully unique and then share it with the world via “expression.” An artist uses his or her creative gifts and talents in order to make a positive difference in the lives of others and contribute to the upliftment and betterment of humanity.

Meaningful Lines Art®

“Imagination! Creation! Expression!”™

Meaningful Lines Art®  “Imagination! Creation! Expression!”™

Human-Made Art (noAI)


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